Let’s recall what was happening a little time early. Diesel fuel prices were going down. Situation was very interesting – after little crisis, when cost of diesel had been rising with a high speed, conditions had become stable. But for that time prices were going down and down. Forecasted, that would continue 1-2 weeks, but it continued more than month.
Our report of winter 2009-2010: Diesel fuel prices are going high. At this time on this market we have very complicated situation. Unceasing bad weather in Europe and one part of American continent caused terrible problems of fuel, exceptionally diesel. Air transport services are in trouble. A lot of trips are postponed in German, United Kingdom and USA. So, rise of diesel fuel prices is inescapable and we have already had some results: In Arizona, Georgia and Indiana (United States of America) value of one gallon is approaching 3 $. In some expert's opinion there is a chance of beginning biting fuel crisis...
Diesel fuel prices depended on value of oil. Value of oil itself is very changeable, exceptionally last time. Its basic change is depended on political conditions. Diesels, and generally oil markets head player is United States of America. For example, after that, then situation was extremely afforded between the U.S.A. and several western countries, diesel fuel prices abruptly changed up, exactly in America.
Global financial changes often take effect on diesel prices. It is not surprise that last economical crisis changed the situation – oil prices fell down most rapidly for that time. But now, when financial crisis was defeated value of fuel became absolutely independent from it.
Diesel fuel prices are traditionally changeable according to seasons, because the demand is always high in winter period, so value of fuel is high too. For example: If in May 2005 value of one gallon was 2.20 $, in deep autumn and winter - 3 dollars and more. Cold period of 2009-2010 years was most hard in a short space of time: terribly weather, risen demand and another problems have become object of disorder in a departments of a fuel.
In several big countries, for example: In United States of America and Great Britain, diesel fuel prices sometimes exceed of value of petrol. Its fundamental factor is a high demand on market, which is caused by diesel fuel economy and power – diesel, also known as number 2 distillate, used for buses, farms, trains and another public services. So governments purchase it, what is rising prices. Problem of refineries is also very important - they are closed for sometime or forever for different reasons. There are transporting problems too. This problem is not a rarity, because diesel transportation requests more care and caution.